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Thought 347: After the Lockdown

It’s been a few months since the lockdown measures have been lifted in my area. People are out and about while summer’s winding down. School has started and it’s getting chilly outside. It looks pretty normal.

Who would’ve thought I got this far? How many losses, how many gains? What to do now, what’s going on now? What’s next? Endless questions, endless stresses, endless worries. This is such an itch that I can’t get out of my head. There are so many thoughts, neurons firing in all directions, in all combinations. Where's the stop button? Please pass that darn remote! LOL

When the COVID19 came, the world stopped. It’s either your stuck in the house or outside socially-distanced. It was eerily peaceful, simple. It was hard to talk in a mask, even harder to gather in the bask. You have more time alone, less distraction than ever, as long as you didn’t get COVID because it was awful. That was the norm during the height, two years of the pandemic. It was like a roll of a dice; who lives, who dies. It was a prime time for anxieties, a lot of time for prayers. Everyone was looking for brighter days ahead. People can’t wait to go back to normal like nothing happened.

Now it’s done, or so we think. After many mutations, vaccines and health measures, it looks like we finally tamed the beast. Now, we’re facing another kind of beast; greed. Inflation kicked in, as corporations blame worker shortage. Job burn-outs surged as employers want profit first before worker benefits. Small businesses closed due to increased expenditures while company executives received huge bonuses and payouts. Government measures and programs never worked for the common man, ever. It always serves the privileged, under the guise of benefitting the underprivileged.

Increased crimes. Self-explanatory. A direct effect of greed, no matter how indirect people thought it could be, no matter how you look at it. When are we going to learn? How many tragedies do we have to experience before a real change happens? The world is getting more specific, more defined, more labeled, more disheveled. It helped a few but complicated the many. It doesn’t matter what gender, age, experience, ethnicity, religion, race, education, laws, rights, position or profession a person have if they can’t figure out this simple task;

“Do what is right, and don’t do what is wrong”

It’s that simple. It only becomes complicated when a person wanted a better outcome than the other. We always try to outsmart each other to gain something better. The result, it is always chaos.

The problems we are dealing now, even before the pandemic were the result (R) of an individual (i) who wanted a better outcome (2o) on something (n), helped by another (²) to gain traction (100) by time (t) and to benefit fewer (f);

R = i² ((2o+n) t100) / f

Does it make sense? Yeah, I know, it a random math but it shows. The effect becomes more significant if more individual does the same thing, resulting chaos on a global scale. Stress, anxiety, worry, fear, you name it, it all factor in.

Now let’s go back. lockdown is come and gone, if so. Life seems normal again. People like you are now enjoying the moments you missed during the pandemic. You go to work, pay the bills, buy food and trying to live a little even in the midst of this economic chaos; the unending cycle of stress. “What can I do about this, about that? I’m more concerned about the needs of myself and my loved ones. It is beyond my reach.” you probably asked me. My answer is simple. Even, I, myself, struggle with this from time to time. Start small, start one. “Do what is right, and don’t do what is wrong”.
